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Animal Health & Wellbeing Blog

Why Is My Cat Breathing Heavy?

Why Is My Cat Breathing Heavy?

Heavy breathing and panting is often associated with dogs because that's how they cool down. However, this behaviour isn't usually seen in cats. Here our Argyle vets explain the reasons why your cat could be breathing heavily/panting and when you should call your vet.

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Cat & Dog Vaccine Side Effects and What You Should Know

Cat & Dog Vaccine Side Effects and What You Should Know

All veterinary procedures come with some level of risk, even pet vaccinations. Most of the time the benefits of giving your cat or dog vaccinations are worth the very small risk. In this post, our Argyle vets discuss the possible side effects of vaccines and what you should do if your pet experiences one.

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Alleviating Your Dog's Pain After Being Neutered

Alleviating Your Dog's Pain After Being Neutered

We know it can be emotional when you have to decide whether or not to spay/ neuter your dog. Today our Argyle vets discuss the details about this routine surgery, how your dog can recover from it fairly easily and how to manage any pain or discomfort your pup may be feeling as a result.

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Should I Get My Indoor Cat Vaccinated?

Should I Get My Indoor Cat Vaccinated?

We understand that it can be tempting to skip your indoor cat vaccinations, because they don't go outdoors. However, it is very important for your cat's health that you keep up with their shots, today the Argyle vets explain why. 

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How do I know if my pet has Lyme disease?

How do I know if my pet has Lyme disease?

Lyme disease is one of the most common tick borne diseases in the world. Here, our  Argyle vets explain more about Lyme disease in pets: what it is, symptoms to watch for, and available treatment options.

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Protecting Your Pet (And Your Family) From Ticks

Protecting Your Pet (And Your Family) From Ticks

Ticks are responsible for the spread of a number of serious diseases that are dangerous to people and pets. Today, our Argyle vets explain how these opportunistic parasites thrive, including signs to beware of, and how to keep ticks away from your pets.

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Preventing Heartworm Disease in Pets

Preventing Heartworm Disease in Pets

Heartworm disease is a potentially deadly condition that can result in heart failure, severe lung disease, and damage to other organs for pets in Argyle. This condition can be found in cats, dogs and ferrets. Today, our vets explain why prevention is better than treatment for heartworm disease.

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How can I tell if my cat or dog has fleas?

How can I tell if my cat or dog has fleas?

Fleas are a common external parasite that can multiply quickly, invade your home, and make your pet miserable! If left untreated, they may even lead to infections and cause serious diseases. Our Argyle vets explain early signs of fleas, and what to do if your pet does have fleas. 

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Why Fecal Exams Are Important to Your Pet's Health

Why Fecal Exams Are Important to Your Pet's Health

Internal parasites can lurk, hidden within your pet's gastrointestinal tract causing discomfort and illness for your pet. Annual fecal exams give your Argyle vet an opportunity to check for hidden intestinal parasites before more serious conditions develop.

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What are some common cat illnesses & symptoms?

What are some common cat illnesses & symptoms?

Numerous cat illnesses and their symptoms may worry you, or even be fatal if left untreated for too long. Our Argyle vets offer insight on signs and symptoms to be aware of.

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